Globalresourcestrader Corporation (Branding name as GRT-C) is a company located in Bali, Indonesia which is specialised in the marine-finfish production. The company was being established over two decades and was also one of the pioneers in the country for marine-culture industries. Quality marine fishes are being hatched and supplied to the local and international markets. We only deliver high quality & disease-free marine products to our valued customers.
1. With regards to the current global issues pertaining Climate Change, Global Warming, Over-Fishing & Declining Fish Population in The Ocean, Safety of Food Supplies,
We had focused the fundamental of our business to manage it with newest and best green-technologies available to give the least impact onto the environment. We make sure that our company is able to balance any shortfall in sustainability and provide with constant supply.
2. We are also aware of the current challenges in the Sustainable aquaculture industries especially dealing with disease related matter.
In this matter, the company had implemented the policies like strict Bio-Security measures, SPF- Broodstock’s, sending employee for Continuing Professional Development program to be competent and equipped with awareness and knowledge in the area of:
Our mission is to meet and provide all our valued customers with continuous & excellent services, providing the technical know-how in this sustainable aquaculture industries – how to reach the common goal of success in a win-win situation
Please fill the particulars and send us your inquiry. We will return to you as soon as possible. Thousand Thanks!
*Please include your County of Region and Products/Service that you interested in, In your massage.
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© 2023 Global Recources Corp